Do you think ACCA exams are hard?

Richard Clarke

Why you shouldn't give up

and it's not just me saying this.. read on..

Incredibly I was in the middle of writing an email about all the students I've taught through the years who have thought of giving up until they came on my course and felt renewed and realised it's not the ACCA that's so hard but often the textbooks (and even lecturers!) make it seem that way

I will probably finish that email off at some stage but then (and this is totally true) I received a lovely email from someone who I guess would like to remain anonymous but it said what I was trying to say better than I ever could  - so hear it is word for word...

  • "No joke, I would have seriously considered packing in the ACCA if I hadn't have stumbled upon your business. I failed F7 with 38% and thought I just couldn't hack it, then I did Acowtancy & got 74% in it and 70% in F8.

    It's genuinely a massive shame that shit teaching leads people to believe it's their lack of ability preventing them from succeeding.

    Good teaching can change the course of someone's life and I don't think you'll see that as me being dramatic. :)

    Have a good one"

Wow, - the timing was perfect - so please don't ever feel you can't do it - you can. The only limits are yours - and that applies even more so once qualified

Go and be the very best in whatever you choose
